United Pharmacies Group is on the path of innovation

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United Pharmacies Group is on the path of innovation
United Pharmacies Group is on the path of innovation
United Pharmacies Group is on the path of innovation
The importance of digital transformation in the business world is increasing day by day, as companies and institutions seek to adopt technology and digital solutions to improve their performance and increase their efficiency. One of the companies that was able to be a pioneer in this field and achieve remarkable success is the United Pharmacies Group. This group is considered an ideal model for using electronic archiving as part of its digital transformation. United Pharmacies Group and how it was able to achieve distinction and excellence by relying on technology and electronic archiving in The era of digitalisation.
A will answer. Khaled Yassin, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of United Pharmaceutical Company, about the challenges it faced and the lessons that we can benefit from its experience in this evolving field.
How was United Pharmacies Group able to be at the forefront of technological development and innovation in the pharmacy sector?
We at United Pharmaceutical Company are proud of our role as pioneers in the pharmacy and healthcare industry. We have been able to be at the forefront of technological development and innovation thanks to our commitment to adopting the latest technologies and electronic systems in our business.
We overcame the challenges well through our significant investments in technology and developing the capabilities of our human teams. We strive to stay up to date with the latest developments and innovation in our industry.
In terms of cybersecurity, we have had a top priority in protecting the sensitive data of our customers and partners. We adopt best practices and ensure compliance with global security standards.
We are committed to providing the best service to our customers, and we believe digital transformation is a way to achieve this. We constantly strive to improve customer communication and provide better products and services thanks to innovation and new technologies.
Finally, we believe in the importance of continuous innovation and seeking new opportunities to improve our operations and provide added value to our customers. We seek to remain at the top of the pharmacy sector by making the most of digital transformation and technological development.
How does digital technology contribute to improving internal health operations at United Pharmacies and increasing efficiency?
Nowadays, the health sector is witnessing a massive digital transformation that is significantly improving how health services are delivered and managed. Among the leading companies and institutions in this field, the “United Pharmacies” group stands out as a model of success in applying digital technology to improve internal health operations and increase efficiency. Here is how digital technology contributes to this:
·       Speed up processes
Digital technologies accelerate health processes by providing quick access to necessary health information. Doctors and pharmacists can easily access electronic patient records, reducing information search time and increasing the effectiveness of diagnosis and treatment.
·       Reducing human errors
By using digital technology to track doses and drug interactions, human errors in healthcare delivery can be reduced. The electronic system helps avoid errors in determining medications and their doses.
·       Improve medication management
Electronic systems enable improved drug and inventory management in pharmacies. Medications can be accurately tracked, ensured availability when needed, and excess stock or expired medications can be disposed of.
·       Improve communication
The electronic system allows effective communication between different departments within the health group. Doctors and pharmacists can share information easily, and this enhances cooperation and coordination in service delivery.
·       Increase security and compliance
Digital transformation helps enhance cybersecurity and protect sensitive health data. Compliance with health laws and regulations is best achieved through electronic systems that make it easier to follow guidelines and standards.
·       Cost savings
In the long term, digital technology can save costs by reducing reliance on paper and running processes more efficiently.
How were you able to achieve digital transformation at United Pharmacies Group and what are the most important challenges?
In order to achieve digital transformation, we have adopted the latest technologies and electronic systems available in the field of health. We have invested heavily in developing dedicated electronic platforms to manage health data and improve patient and patient experience. The foundation of this transformation was the use of integrated systems that allow us to effectively track and analyze health data and simplify medical and administrative processes.
During this process we faced many challenges. Most notable was the change in work culture, as we had to motivate work teams to accept and adopt new technologies and change their traditional methods of providing health services. We also had challenges in allocating the financial and human resources needed to implement this huge transformation.
In addition, cybersecurity and health data retention were vital, as we were committed to protecting the confidentiality and integrity of patient health information. In this context, we have taken strict measures to ensure cybersecurity and compliance with health standards and legal regulations.
In the end, we were able to overcome these challenges thanks to the dedication and serious investment in health information technology and the continuous training of our employees. Today, we are proud that we provide distinguished health services thanks to the digital transformation that we have succeeded in achieving, which contributes to enhancing patient care and increasing efficiency in the “United Pharmacies” group.
How did the United Pharmacies Group benefit from the Doc Suite system?
The Doc Suite system has many unique advantages that have positively impacted the performance of the United Pharmacies Group in various aspects. One of these benefits is improved efficiency and simplification of daily operations. Thanks to easy and quick access to health documents and information via the electronic system, we were able to reduce the time of procedures and improve coordination between
Different departments and branches within the group.
We also benefited from improved patient experience. Thanks to the system, doctors and pharmacists can easily access patient records and provide appropriate medical care at the right time. This has positively impacted the quality of care we provide and increased patient satisfaction.
Besides, we have successfully improved cybersecurity to protect patients' sensitive health data. We have put in place strict security measures and used the latest technologies to maintain the confidentiality of information and prevent any data leakage.
In these ways, DocSuite has become an essential partner in developing and improving the health services we provide, which is one of the main reasons for our success in the field of healthcare and pharmacy.
What advice would you like to give to other pharmacies?
For other pharmacies looking to improve their management and increase efficiency by adopting an electronic document management system such as DocSuite, here are some tips that can be helpful:
1.     Needs assessment
Before starting to adopt an electronic document management system, pharmacies should carefully assess their needs. What processes can be improved through the system? What essential features do you need? This evaluation will help determine the best suitable solutions.
2.     Training and learning
Adopting an electronic document management system can be a major change in operations. Therefore, training efforts must be directed to employees and ensure that they understand how to use the system effectively. Fostering a culture of continuous learning in your pharmacy is vital.
3.     Ensure security and compliance
Pharmacies must implement robust cybersecurity measures to protect health data and ensure compliance with laws and regulations related to health record keeping.
4.     Cooperation and participation
Exchanging experiences and information with other pharmacies and participating in specialty societies can have a significant impact on improving document management and pharmaceutical operations.
In conclusion, it can be said that adopting an electronic document management system, such as DocSuite, represents a crucial step in improving pharmacy management and increasing efficiency in providing health services. Through needs assessment, appropriate system selection, training and security, pharmacies can greatly benefit from this modern technology.
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