Studying digital transformation in university education institutions

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Studying digital transformation in university education institutions
Studying digital transformation in university education institutions
Study title: Digital transformation in university education institutions
Author name: Amal Zidane
Study summary
The study of digital transformation in university education institutions confirms that digital transformation is the basis for the progress of business and services and their effective and efficient performance. It is one of the necessities required for all institutions that seek to improve their services and achieve governance and effective communication, whether internally between their departments and organizational structures, or externally with the various clients with whom they are connected. With them relationships; Rather, it has become a natural process for organizations that claim to be leaders of change and enjoy high competitiveness in their field.
The author of the study of digital transformation in university education institutions continues by saying that university education institutions are among the most important institutions that have undergone radical and profound transformations affected by the developments that have occurred in recent decades, in the context of seeking to achieve their quality and improve their services. Digitization is also one of the important transformations that university institutions are witnessing in Various countries of the world are currently in light of the Corona pandemic, and thus the higher education sector has become at the heart of the hurricane of the digital revolution, immersed in the ongoing process of digital transformation (DT).
If university education institutions want to continue as an essential element in this transformation, it is necessary that they develop in an integrated manner. Moreover, The study of digital transformation in university education institutions confirms that exploiting all the opportunities and capabilities made available by the digital technology revolution is not a direct and simple matter, and certainly a difficult task. It is striking that higher education institutions are facing a complex scenario, which leads to a change in the way they have developed over time. It is possible that these change processes will lead to tensions in the existing resource and capacity base, accompanied by organizational and learning difficulties that will need to be managed effectively, developing skills, improving existing resources, creating new ones, targeting new customer segments, etc.; Which likely indicates that there is a gap in resources and capabilities to manage this digital transformation in various universities.
From here it becomes clear how important it is for university education institutions to have specific digital strategies as a response to the massive shift towards the use of new technology, in addition to a comprehensive vision for learning DT and implementing it effectively. Digital transformation is characterized by dynamism, whose priorities vary from one institution to another according to the needs and desires of stakeholders and in accordance with the available capabilities. Which requires identifying and managing these tensions, as well as internal and external challenges, studying the available opportunities, and evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of each institution in order to plan and innovate, if these institutions want to make the right decisions and connect internal and external customers effectively, increase their commitment and strengthen their experience; To survive and thrive in the future.
The problem of studying digital transformation in university education institutions
The study of digital transformation in university education institutions confirms that digital transformation has become one of the most important phenomena in managing societal affairs. Its value lies in the facilities it has provided in collecting, classifying, storing, retrieving and broadcasting data to an unlimited number of individuals in the fastest time and at the lowest cost. With the increase in the volume of information and the spread of many digital platforms and communication and educational applications, it has become difficult to control and control. Many risks and challenges have emerged that university education institutions faced during digital transformation, the most important of which are: financial challenges, and how to reduce the gap between the practical and theoretical sides, in addition to how to achieve connectivity between university actors at various administrative and educational levels and ensure their communication; This requires studying the reality of organizational and educational digital transformation within these institutions using the SWOT analysis method to extract a more neutral and logical comprehensive assessment. Hence, the problem of the study crystallized in an attempt to measure the digitization project within university education institutions, both its organizational and educational aspects, and evaluate it using the SWOT environmental analysis model, by applying it to... Al-Azhar University, as a model, faces great challenges that require it to use everything that would contribute to its development and facilitate the carrying out of its tasks and services.
The study of digital transformation in university education institutions aimed to measure and evaluate the digitization project within university education institutions by analyzing and diagnosing the current situation by applying it to Al-Azhar University as a global model facing great challenges, using the SWOT analysis method to extract a comprehensive, more neutral and logical assessment, in order to stand On the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats faced by the organization’s digitization project.
The Doc Suite system is an integrated management system that is used in higher education and distance education institutions to manage and organize educational content and interaction between students and teachers. It can be said that there is a close relationship between the Doc Suite system and the book “Digital Transformation in University Education Institutions.”
This relationship can include several points:
Facilitating distance learning: DocSuite can facilitate distance learning by providing a virtual environment that allows students to access educational content and study materials online, and this can be part of the digital transformation in university education.
Educational content management: Teachers and professors can use the Doc Suite system to upload and manage digital educational content, including recorded lectures, courses, and electronic tests.
Interaction and communication: The DocSuite system allows students to interact with each other and with teachers through discussion forums, group conversations, and comments on educational materials, and this enhances digital communication between members of the university community.
Track and evaluate performance: DocSuite provides tools to track and evaluate students' performance and provide reports and statistics, which helps improve the teaching and learning process.
In this way, the Doc Suite system can play an important role in supporting and implementing digital transformation processes in higher education institutions, as it can be used as a technological tool that contributes to the development of education and the digital infrastructure of these institutions.
You can download the book directly from here
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