Digital Marketing Basics Book - Skills from Google

This book brings together the basics of marketing for you in the book Digital Marketing Basics - Skills from Google

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Digital Marketing Basics Book - Skills from Google
Digital Marketing Basics Book - Skills from Google
Book: Digital Marketing Basics - Skills from Google
Publisher: Ibrahim bin Muhammad
Book summary
Today, the use of the Internet is no longer limited to just emails. From talking to friends and family and buying food every week, to searching for new travel destinations and local things to do, it can be said that the Internet has become an integral part of our daily lives. As the time we spend online increases, so do the digital opportunities available.
The digital experience is constantly evolving thanks to content creators, businesses and app developers who are always finding new and innovative ways to help us shop, learn and connect.
So, whether you own your own business or want to work for a company, now is a great time to get involved in the digital world, but where do you start? Hence, the Google Skills Book provides you with a platform to learn about different digital marketing concepts and gain the knowledge you need. Whether you are interested in content marketing, online advertising, mobile marketing, or selling products online, we have made sure to organize all topics thoughtfully into videos and small tests, to enable you to acquire new skills or refine your knowledge with ease.
Learn how to create an online business strategy from Skills from Google, raise your website's ranking on search engines, and how to use analytical tools to evaluate your online performance, from the book Skills from Google Whatever your interest, our materials include everything you need to achieve your goals online. Digital marketing lessons were prepared by experts and can be completed at the pace that suits you. You can complete one lesson in batches or finish several lessons at once - wherever you want and whenever you want. To get the most out of this training course, you can complete all topics, lessons and tests, and you will be Giving you an accredited Certificate of Skills from Google in partnership with the Interactive Advertising Office | Page 8, regardless of your skill level or what you want to achieve, Skills from Google will help you develop your skills in digital marketing or improve the performance of your business
Your digital opportunity
After we have seen how the digital world has changed our daily lifestyle, the question remains: how can you benefit from this transformation? What do these growing online opportunities mean for you? In this Skills by Google lesson, you'll discuss the core components of the digital world, how they relate to your business, and how to start using it.
First, let's say you're a mechanic and your business is growing thanks to word-of-mouth marketing and personal recommendations from customers, but you don't have any digital presence and want to grow your business more broadly. The question here is: How can the Internet help you with this?
The Skills Book from Google explains that search is one of the most important advantages of the Internet, and your digital presence means that users will be able to find you easily when they are looking for a business like yours.
For example, let's say someone searches for “mechanic in Dubai” and you appear in the results, how will your business do the same?
Well the possibilities are endless: When a customer clicks on the link to your website. There is a lot of information that he can learn about you. For example, he may read customer recommendations or he may watch a video that you previously posted on the site about self-maintenance, which indicates the extent of your knowledge of this profession.
The customer can also view your price guide and the location of your store on the map, and learn in detail about the services and special offers you provide, such as the free car towing service with a special trailer. He can also fill out a form to inquire about a service or request a price quote, and he can also go through your website to your accounts on social networks. Socialize to see more of her photos, videos and tips.
Your website may not include all of these features from the beginning, but these examples are enough to provide an overview of the many ways to benefit from your online presence, as well as users getting to know your business. Digital presence is a major source of valuable information about your potential customers, their requirements, how to meet them, etc.
It's time to take the plunge and head into the digital world.
DocuSuite is an advanced digital system that helps you create and organize the electronic documents and notes you need in the digital marketing process. Simply put, the system can help in:
1. Organize information: You can create folders and index information in an organized way, making it easy to access important information quickly.
2. Create documents: You can create new documents for notes or summaries.
3. Share information: You can easily share documents with your work team or colleagues, which contributes to exchanging ideas and enhancing collaboration.
And other services and features that we provide to you.
As for the book “Digital Marketing Basics - Skills from Google”, it is considered a valuable source for understanding digital marketing concepts and methods, and helps you understand how to use social media, online search, and digital analytics to achieve your marketing goals. Doc Suite can contribute to organizing your knowledge about These topics will help you better apply what you've learned in actual digital marketing projects.
You can download the book Digital Marketing Basics - Skills from Google directly from here
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