Secure Document Archiving

In these times, your organization more than ever needs a secure place to store vital business documents. Employee information, financial records, contracts, and other data require an organized and secure repository to protect against loss, theft, or breaches.

What is Document Archiving?

Document archiving involves placing inactive documents in a long-term storage repository through any data storage medium, allowing these documents to be easily accessible at any moment. In addition to facilitating the retrieval of old documents, document archiving provides security and legal protection to ensure compliance with all documents. It also helps save valuable space in your office and on your servers.

More about the electronic archiving system

Benefits of secure document archiving


Paperless Office

Paperless Office

Storing digital information in a secure archive means saying goodbye to paper documents in the office, eliminating lost documents, printing problems, and the need for cluttered file cabinets.

Simplifying Audit Preparation

Simplifying Audit Preparation

Secure archiving doesn't just mean finding documents easily but also ensures their proper organization, facilitating audit and retrieval processes.

Compliance with Regulatory Standards

Compliance with Regulatory Standards

Regulatory compliance standards are designed to protect the rights of individuals and companies. When documents are organized and secured, compliance processes are significantly simplified and expedited.

Disaster Preparedness

Disaster Preparedness

Natural disasters and malicious attacks can devastate unprepared organizations. Secure archiving supports disaster recovery processes to help you efficiently recover from unforeseen disasters.

Don't miss the opportunity to improve your document management!

The latest archiving system and store your data efficiently and securely with DocSuite. 

The Safest Place for Your Documents

The Safest Place for Your Documents

DocuSuite provides comprehensive document archiving, secure document storage, and document search capabilities for organizations in need of a secure repository for their critical business information.

Everything Encrypted, Everything Protected

All data transfer operations are conducted via HTTPS, and all documents are encrypted using AES encryption. Additionally, the comprehensive access rights system prevents unauthorized access to sensitive documents.

Data Control for Compliance and Handling

Detailed access rights and stringent information organization accelerate support for strict compliance initiatives like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and Sarbanes-Oxley laws. This simplifies the planning of policies for retaining sensitive documents.

Backup upon Backup

Microsoft Azure data centers, tailored for the European Union and the United States, maintain three data backups, along with off-site redundancy in the same region. This guarantees no data loss and simplifies disaster recovery planning.

Audit Tracking and Transparency

Every document capture, release, and commentary is logged for full tracking, and each step in workflow processes is recorded to ensure transparency.

Format Flexibility

You can store scanned documents, PDF files, emails, Microsoft Office files (such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and more), images, and much more.

Complete Information is the Key

Providing automatic, reliable, and comprehensive document indexing enhances precise organization, easy retrieval, and execution within workflow processes. Every piece of information is complete with no missing data.

ما هي المستندات التي يمكن لـ دوك سويت أرشفتها بشكل آمن؟

Finance and accounting

Finance and accounting

Invoices Purchase Orders Shipping Receipts Shipping Invoices Budget Spreadsheets



Certifications and Credentials Performance Reviews Tax Documents Expense Reports

المستندات القانونية

المستندات القانونية

Contracts and forms - operating procedures - reports - customer documents



Papers and data - marketing brochures - presentations and proposals

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