Research on designing an electronic learning environment to develop competencies in using digital transformation among teachers of the Ministry of Education in the State of Kuwait.

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Research on designing an electronic learning environment to develop competencies in using digital transformation among teachers of the Ministry of Education in the State of Kuwait.
Research on designing an electronic learning environment to develop competencies in using digital transformation among teachers of the Ministry of Education in the State of Kuwait.
Research title: Designing an electronic learning environment to develop competencies in using digital transformation among teachers of the Ministry of Education in the State of Kuwait.
Name of the research author: Reham Al-Shammari
Research Summary
Research on designing an electronic learning environment shows that electronic learning environment technology provides theory, application, and practice in the design, development, use, management, and evaluation of learning resources and processes in order to solve educational problems. Electronic educational environments are one of the most important areas in e-learning technology, and the use of electronic educational data requires preparation. It is good in terms of its design, development, use and management according to specific standards in order to ensure effective employment in the educational process. The goal of using electronic educational environments in higher education institutions is to support and improve the learning process in various sectors of higher education.
Research on the design of an electronic learning environment indicates that technological progress has led to the emergence of new methods and methods for indirect education, which depend on employing digital transformation to achieve the required learning, including the use of computers for the purpose of making learning available throughout the day and night to whoever wants it and in the place that suits it through various methods and methods supported by media technology. Its various components provide educational content through a combination of written and spoken language, static and moving visual elements, and various audio-visual effects and backgrounds, which are presented to the learner through the computer, which makes learning interesting and enjoyable, and is achieved with the highest efficiency, with the least effort, and in the least time, which achieves quality.
Research on the design of an electronic learning environment demonstrates that employing digital transformation, which resulted from the marriage between the field of information technology and educational technology in the educational process, has become an urgent necessity that requires educational systems to make a qualitative shift in the goals they seek to achieve, so that the focus is on providing learners with a set of skills. Which life in the information age requires, including self-learning skills, information skills, and the skills they include in dealing with digital transformation, instead of focusing on providing them with information.
The research on designing an electronic learning environment adds that there are a set of requirements and needs imposed on us by the current era, which make digital transformation one of the technological innovations and the strategic choice for which there is no alternative. Among these needs are the need for continuous learning, the need for flexible education, the need for communication and openness to others, in addition to... The current trend is to make education independent of place and time, where lifelong learning is learning based on current needs, self-learning and effective learning.
The DocSuite system is a system for creating, sharing, and collaborating on electronic documents over the Internet. This system allows you to create text documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and other documents easily and effectively. Among the prominent features of the DocSuite system are:
Simultaneous collaboration: Multiple users can collaborate on the same document in real time, which contributes to enhancing interaction and collaboration between teachers and students.
Online Access: DocSuite documents can be accessed from anywhere via the Internet, allowing teachers and students to access educational materials at any time.
Simplified sharing: Documents can be easily shared via links or set up specific permissions to access documents, allowing teachers to share materials with students in a specific and secure way.
Advanced Formatting and Design: DocSuite allows users to format documents and add images and illustrations to improve the quality of educational materials.
According to the book “Designing an Electronic Learning Environment to Develop Competencies in Using Digital Transformation among Female Teachers,” the Doc Suite system can contribute to achieving its goals in several ways:
Facilitating the creation of educational materials: Teachers can use the Doc Suite system to create interactive and attractive educational materials that contribute to improving the learning experience for students.
Collaboration and sharing: Teachers can collaborate with their colleagues to prepare educational materials and easily share them with students.
Saving time and effort: The Doc Suite system can save the time and effort needed to prepare educational materials that address the concepts of digital transformation and the use of technology in education.
In summary, DocSuite can help achieve the goals of e-learning environment design research by providing an effective means of creating and sharing digital educational materials and enhancing collaboration and interaction in the e-learning context.
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