Discussing digital transformation as a strategy for developing social protection programs

Read the research on digital transformation as a strategy for developing social protection programs from the perspective of how society is organized in light of Egypt’s Vision 2030

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Discussing digital transformation as a strategy for developing social protection programs
Discussing digital transformation as a strategy for developing social protection programs
Discussing digital transformation as a strategy for developing social protection programs from the perspective of how society is organized in light of Egypt’s Vision 2030
 Written by: Essam Badri Ahmed Mohamed
 Research Summary
 Research on digital transformation as a strategy for developing social protection programs from the perspective of the way society is organized in light of Egypt’s vision confirms that our present era is witnessing great and rapid developments in many fields due to technological and technological development and the communications and information revolution, as our world today becomes and is witnessing new innovations and modernization in information technology. In the fields of science and knowledge, these systems change continuously to be in harmony with the effective and influential development that occurs in different areas of life.
 Research on digital transformation as a strategy for developing social protection programs adds that change, due to the rapid developments taking place in the contemporary world, has become an inevitable necessity not only for human life, but even for the life of countries and organizations, as these countries and organizations no longer exist in light of the world’s transformation into a small village that does not recognize borders. There are no restrictions on the ability to maintain its survival and stability unless it has the ability to adapt to developments in the constantly changing internal and external environment, and with the intensification of competition between various organizations in their quest to gain the satisfaction of their customers by providing services and providing the various products they need in a faster, better quality, and less expensive manner. It is necessary to invest in every scientific and technological development that will help achieve these goals more effectively.
 Research on digital transformation as a strategy for developing social protection programs indicates that this matter has forced governments around the world to work on applying new technological and digital techniques and principles by opening websites to disseminate information more efficiently, provide public services in a more quality and effective manner, and work to maximize the advantages and positive effects. The result of adopting digital transformation strategies through six overlapping values: improving public products and services, enhancing confidence in government operations, improving administrative efficiency, improving ethical behavior and professional competence, improving social values ​​and well-being, and developing open government capabilities.
Therefore, research on digital transformation as a strategy for developing social protection programs adds that we must realize the importance of the role played by information and communications systems and technology in increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of business and the services provided by this technology from communications networks and various computer developments, in addition to the software that works to control and adjust the workflow of... In order to integrate the various administrative functions within the organization, these systems have become a vital component of the success of organizations and help them improve the efficiency and effectiveness of performance.
 Research on digital transformation as a strategy for developing social protection programs confirms that social service works to benefit from everything new in the field of scientific and technological development, and social workers’ reliance on information and communications technology is increasing day after day, especially in professional topics and issues related to practice, such as computers. And the Internet, and this became clear among graduates of colleges of social service and postgraduate students. Information today has become available to them in a way that differs from other traditional research methods. Therefore, we find that the social worker, who is unable to deal with this technology, lags behind following up on new issues related to practice. the Actual.
 The research on digital transformation as a strategy for developing social protection programs aimed to determine the reality of digital transformation as a strategy for developing social protection programs, identify its benefits and techniques, and identify the obstacles facing the application of the digital transformation strategy and proposals that help activate digital transformation as a strategy for developing social protection programs.
The study identified the reality of digital transformation as a strategy for developing social protection programs, which is represented in the availability of electronic registration services, the availability of grievances and complaints on the website, and the presence of a network connection between information bases. As for the benefits, they were represented in speed of performance, enhancing transparency, governance, and fair distribution of services, as for technologies. Digital transformation was represented by the use of electronic tablets, electronic networking between the institutions concerned, and the presence of an integrated database on the beneficiaries of the Solidarity and Dignity program. The most important obstacles were the lack of knowledge of citizens about digital services and how to deal with them, the disruption of work when technical problems occur, and the weakness of the infrastructure and technology. While the proposals were to spread awareness among beneficiaries of the Ministry of Social Solidarity’s service updates, spread digital culture within the organization, and educate and train workers on the digital transformation process.
 What is the role of the Doc Suite system?
 The Doc Suite system plays an important role in digital transformation as a strategy for developing social protection programs. This system can contribute to:
 1. Simplification and improvement: DocSuite can be used to simplify management and organizational processes within social protection institutions, leading to improved efficiency and reduced errors.
 2. Improving access: Digital systems such as DocSuite can increase citizens’ access to online social protection services, making services more comprehensive.
 3. Data analysis: Doc Suite systems can be used to effectively collect and analyze data, which can help in making better decisions and improving social protection strategies.
 4. Security and protection: Higher levels of security can be provided for information and data related to social programs using Doc Suite systems.
 5. Reducing costs: By taking advantage of digital technologies, the costs of managing and maintaining social programs can be reduced.
 Overall, DocSuite contributes to enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of social programs and can be an essential part of a digital transformation strategy to improve the lives of citizens and provide better services.
 You can download this book directly from here
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