Al Hilal Club application for sports governance

Sports governance seeks to improve the performance and infrastructure of sports clubs.

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Al Hilal Club application for sports governance
Al Hilal Club application for sports governance
Al Hilal Club application for sports governance
It is important to understand that strengthening governance in Saudi sports will help organize the sports sector comprehensively, and improve financial and administrative matters within clubs. This will allow clubs to adhere to regulatory and oversight standards and regulations that apply to sporting activity. In addition, it will allow effective governance programs to periodically identify and manage risks, apply preventive measures to deal with these risks, and accurately monitor annual and financial performance, in addition to providing ongoing support and advice to all concerned parties within the club.
The General Sports Authority recently provided financial support worth twenty million Saudi riyals with the aim of developing the “governance” system in sports clubs. In this context, Al Hilal Saudi Club signed an agreement with the Saudi Governance Center for a period of three years. This agreement aims to improve the governance system within the club and raise awareness about the concept of governance and its practice. In addition, the agreement includes training aspects, policy development and ongoing advisory support to enhance governance practices.
At the end of the 2022 financial year, Al Hilal was the club that received the highest amount of financial support from Honorary Members, according to a report.

What are the sports governance procedures adopted by Al Hilal Club to ensure transparency and accountability within the club?
Sports governance deals consistently with the concepts of transparency and accountability within sports clubs, and plays a crucial role in the organization and development of sports and financial activities. In this context, Al Hilal Saudi Club takes a prominent position as a successful example of how to adopt governance practices and effectively exploit financial support to achieve sporting and financial goals. In this article, we will explore how Al Hilal adopted governance procedures to ensure transparency and accountability within the club and how it benefited from financial support to achieve tangible successes in the 2022 season.
Al Hilal Club has adopted several measures to enhance sports governance and ensure transparency and accountability within the club. Among these procedures:
Board of Directors: Al Hilal Club includes a Board of Directors composed of members with experience and competence in the field of sports management. Board members are carefully selected to ensure their ability to achieve governance and transparency goals.
Adopting governance standards: The club has developed internal standards and systems for sports governance that include principles such as transparency of decisions, accountability, conflict management, and distribution of powers.
Inspection committees: Inspection committees were formed within the club to monitor financial, administrative and sporting activities. These committees examine contracts and deals and ensure that they are implemented legally and in the interest of the club.
Transparency in reports: The club publishes periodic reports that include general financial and administrative information that is presented to the public and shareholders. This contributes to increased transparency and accountability.
Governance training: Employees within the club are directed to training courses on the concept of sports governance and how to apply it in business performance.
External Audit: Independent external audit firms review the club's financial and administrative activities to verify compliance with governance standards and local laws.
Fan Participation: Fans are encouraged to participate in the decision-making process by voting on important issues and participating in General Assembly meetings.
These measures embody Al Hilal Club’s commitment to achieving transparent and responsible sports governance practices and enhance trust between management, fans and shareholders.
What role did the Saudi Governance Center play in providing support and consultation to Al Hilal Club?
The Saudi Governance Center played a prominent role in providing support and consultation to Al Hilal Saudi Club. The Center cooperated with the club by providing guidance and periodic supervision of governance practices within the club. This includes developing and improving internal governance structures and sporting and administrative procedures. In addition, the Center provided customized advice to Al Hilal Club based on its unique needs, providing advice on how to enhance governance practices and ensure compliance with sporting standards and principles. Customized training programs were provided to officials and employees within the club with the aim of increasing awareness of the concept of sports governance and its effective application. The center also contributed to regularly reviewing the club’s sporting and financial performance, which contributed to improving performance and ensuring compliance with governance principles and standards. Simply put, the Saudi Governance Center supported Al Hilal Club in implementing governance practices effectively, which contributed to achieving transparency and accountability within the club and raising the level of sports and administrative performance.
How was the Doc Suite system able to achieve tangible benefits for Al Hilal Club?
The "Dock Suite" electronic archiving system has proven that it is not just a technical tool, but rather a vital and necessary partner for Al Hilal Club. This system allows documents and information to be organized systematically and efficiently, making management processes smoother and more efficient. In addition, the system can play a vital role in achieving the club's sporting and administrative goals by providing transparency, accountability, and increased security and confidentiality. It can be said that the "Doc Suite" system has become one of the fundamental factors in the club's success and raising its level of performance at a different level. Through the use of "Dock Suite", the club was able to achieve many benefits, including:
· Saving time and effort
Certainly, the “Dock Suite” electronic archiving system has provided Al Hilal Club with many advantages, the most important of which is saving time and effort. Our investigations show that this system has helped the club reduce the time and effort spent on managing, retrieving and sharing information and documents. Using the electronic archiving system, it is easy to search for required documents and information thanks to an effective classification and classification system. This can save valuable staff time and contribute to improved work efficiency and increased productivity within the club.
Enhancing security and confidentiality
The electronic archiving system “Dock Suite” plays an important role in enhancing security and confidentiality within Al Hilal Club. The system provides advanced features to protect information and documents from unauthorized access. Fine-grained access control can be implemented to ensure that only authorized people have access to highly confidential information.
In addition, DocSuite provides data-level security, where information is encrypted and protected from tampering or theft. This increases the club's confidence in keeping sensitive data and information in complete safety.
·       Ease of review and revision
Supervisors can review documents and follow up on processes and activities on an ongoing and periodic basis. This contributes to improved review and monitoring processes and ensures that the club is operating according to set standards and objectives. This ease contributes to directing administrative decisions based on accurate information and periodic reviews, which contributes to achieving goals more efficiently.
How did sports governance affect Al Hilal Club?
Al Hilal Club was positively influenced by the application of sports governance principles in its management. These principles represent the foundations for effectively directing and controlling sports activities within the club. The club benefited greatly from this application in improving its management and enhancing its performance in various fields. By enhancing transparency and increasing the level of accountability, the club has been able to build better relationships with its members and fans. Sports governance also contributed to achieving financial security and contributing to the club’s financial sustainability, which allowed it to implement its projects efficiently and effectively. In addition, improving sports performance and talent development have become positive results of applying governance principles. Sports governance has become one of the basic tools for achieving the success of Al Hilal Club and enhancing its position in the world of sports.
This story embodies a successful model of how to support sports clubs and achieve success on both the sporting and financial levels. Other sports clubs can take Al Hilal as an inspiration and consider it a lesson in how to achieve development and success through effective support strategies and wise financial management.
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