Electronic archiving book in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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Electronic archiving book in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Electronic archiving book in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Electronic archiving book in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Author: Ahmed Al-Gharabi
Book summary
This book deals with the topic of electronic archiving in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The problem with this topic is: the ambiguity of the true reality of electronic archiving in ministries and semi-governmental institutions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the scarcity of information about it.
The book Electronic Archiving in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia seeks to answer the following question: (What is the reality of electronic archiving in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?) It includes a group of questions that express the main axes of the study, and under each axis there is a group of sub-questions whose answer contributes to Discovering that reality and drawing its true features through knowing the problems and obstacles facing the archiving process, the reality of workers, their qualification, and organizing documents in the digital environment.
The importance of the book on electronic archiving in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia lies in many points, the most important of which is the modernity of the concept of electronic archiving globally, especially in the Arab world, as this study is one of the first, if not the first, Arab studies to address this topic. In addition to the state’s tendency to implement and disseminate information technologies, from a practical and field perspective, Al-Muf hopes that the book on electronic archiving in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will constitute a theoretical and practical support that will help those working on field applications in the field of electronic archiving. It is hoped that the results of the book on electronic archiving in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will provide a vision Scientifically and clearly about the reality of the study community
The descriptive survey method was used. To achieve the objectives of the book on electronic archiving in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which was presented in five chapters, the first as a general framework and the second as a theoretical framework for the study, as it included writings related to archiving in general and electronics in particular, their concept, history and development, then their systems and types and the transition to electronic archiving, its stages and its infrastructure requirements. Then its benefits, advantages, obstacles and potential risks, then policies and legislation regulating documents and archiving in Saudi Arabia, then previous studies. The third chapter of the book Electronic Archiving in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia came as a framework for the methodology followed, then the field part in the fourth chapter, the data of which was collected using a questionnaire on a sample of (37) governmental and semi-governmental entities, in addition to using the tools of uncontrolled interviews and observation of all kinds, and the results and recommendations were presented in the fifth chapter. .
The problem of studying the book on electronic archiving in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia arose, and the researcher felt it through his adoption of a previous topic, which is regulating the flow of information in electronic government in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. During the preparation for studying this topic, he made many attempts to anticipate that reality and try to monitor it and subject it to the scientific method, so the researcher made By visiting more than thirteen government agencies and some semi-government agencies, more than (40) officials were met, all of whom work in the information sector with various job titles and grades. Through these field visits and personal interviews, it became clear to the researcher that there are research points that must be highlighted and addressed in research. The researcher refers to the aforementioned entities, which are considered the first incubator in any entity or organization for electronic archiving. The idea of this study arose and it became clear to the researcher that there is an existing problem that needs research and analysis within the framework of the scientific method, which is:
Revealing the ambiguity and collecting information about the reality of electronic archiving, analyzing some of its aspects and rooting for it, highlighting the weak points in that reality and proposing scientific solutions to avoid them, and showing the strengths and signaling the continued support and development of them. This will be done through the current study of the reality of information and documentation centers, archives, and computer centers affiliated with the community. The study, the extent of its use of electronic archiving and its applications, the problems and challenges facing this technology if applied, the reality of workers, devices and legislation related to it, and the electronic archiving systems used in particular and those present in the market in general.
The researcher noted that electronic archiving is not, as some think, a transition or development from traditional to electronic archiving by introducing technology into it only, but rather it is a development in the concept, practices, procedures, means, legislative systems, and levels of workers and beneficiaries together, as the stages of the document cycle differed and it is no longer traditional. To the place of preservation (archive) at the last stage of its cycle to settle there as is usual. Rather, the process took another turn in which the document became not returned to the organization or institution in some cases except through the virtual archive represented by the Information Center or the Administrative Communications Center, where its cycle begins. Within the organization from there. The basic problem of this study is the ambiguity of the real reality of electronic archiving in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the scarcity of information about it. The current study attempts to uncover this reality and the truth of some of the important questions that were mentioned in the book on electronic archiving in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The role of the Doc Suite system
The Doc Suite system is an important tool in the transition from traditional archiving to electronic archiving for several reasons:
Ease and effectiveness: The DocSuite system facilitates the effective creation and organization of electronic documents, which reduces reliance on paper papers and contributes to better organization of documents.
Quick access: Users can search for electronic documents easily and quickly using built-in search engines, which contributes to increased immediate access to information.
Preserving the environment: Switching to electronic archiving contributes to preserving the environment by reducing the use of paper and the need for printing, which reduces the impact of negative environmental activities.
Communication and Collaboration: DocSuite can contribute to enhancing communication and collaboration between different individuals and teams by easily sharing documents and editing them together over the Internet.
Security and Backup: The Doc Suite system provides options for saving backup copies of electronic documents, which increases the level of security and protection for these documents.
In short, Doc Suite contributes to improving document management and archiving by offering users effective and flexible tools, which makes the shift to electronic archiving important in the digital age.
You can download this book directly from here
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