What you don't know about the "Shamel" electronic monitoring system

The “Shamel” electronic control system helps to accurately determine the needs of items and implement automated inventory operations for all types of stock, as this represents an essential part of the system that contributes to reducing waste and the

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What you don't know about the "Shamel" electronic monitoring system
What you don't know about the "Shamel" electronic monitoring system

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What you do not know about the “Shamel” electronic control system

The “Shamel” electronic control system is considered one of the ambitious initiatives launched by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to enhance efficiency and transparency in government agencies, within the framework of Saudi Vision 2030, which aims to achieve comprehensive digital transformation in various sectors.

In this article, we will review important information about the “Shamel” electronic control system, and highlight its pivotal role in achieving good governance and enhancing integrity in government work.


What is the “Shamel” electronic control system?

The “Shamel” electronic control system is one of the pioneering initiatives launched by the General Auditing Office in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as part of its efforts to support digital transformation in government agencies. This initiative comes in line with the Kingdom’s Vision 2030, which seeks to achieve high efficiency in government spending and rationalize consumption in innovative and sustainable ways. .

The “Shamel” electronic control system aims to modernize and develop all systems and procedures related to the management and organization of government warehouses, starting with reviewing and updating old rules and procedures that have been issued for more than thirty years, leading to the automation of all operations related to warehouses and standardization of classification and coding, as well as the use of the latest Artificial intelligence and cybersecurity techniques to achieve the required administrative goals.

It is worth noting that the General Auditing Office launched this major project after an extensive study and careful review of the current systems, as it became clear that the old systems no longer meet modern requirements in the management of government warehouses. Therefore, the Office formed a specialized work team to review and update these rules in a manner consistent with New developments and challenges.

The “Shamel” electronic control system went through several basic stages, which began with a comprehensive review and update of the rules and procedures of government warehouses, as it became clear that the current systems were inadequate and weak in control over them, which required amending most of the materials and adding new materials that meet current and future needs. In the second stage, the office worked To update these rules in coordination with the Ministry of Finance, and circulate them to the entities subject to the Bureau’s oversight. As for the third stage, it included automating forms for valuable securities in government warehouses and updating their provisions. This step aimed to raise efficiency and facilitate procedures to achieve the goals of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030, in addition to Developing an integrated governance system that contributes to coordinating efforts between government agencies.

The technical standards that must be available in warehouse systems have been determined to control government spending and avoid financial waste, and among the main objectives of the “Shamel” electronic control system is to unify the classification and coding of government warehouse items, which enables entities to accurately determine item balances at any time, and facilitates the exchange of items. Between government agencies effectively and safely.


Unifying classification and coding in the electronic control system “comprehensive”

Unifying the classification and coding of government warehouse items is one of the basic aspects of the “Shamil” electronic control system, as this unification aims to achieve high accuracy in determining item balances at any time, which facilitates the process of exchanging items between government agencies and ensures that the warehouse contents are preserved from damage or loss. Loss or theft. This unification is a vital step in developing the new system.

It helps tighten warehouse control by providing accurate and updated information about inventory at all times. It also contributes to improving warehouse management and reducing human errors that may result from the use of different systems and non-standardized classifications. The comprehensive electronic control system is distinguished by its ability to link purchasing management and financial management. And warehouse management in an integrated executive system that starts from the ordering stage until delivery, which contributes to improving the efficiency of administrative processes and reducing the time taken to complete various procedures.

The “Shamel” electronic control system helps precisely determine the needs for items and carry out automated stocktaking of all types of inventory, as this represents an essential part of the system that contributes to reducing waste and the accumulation of items in warehouses. The “Shamel” electronic control system also allows the preparation of comprehensive reports on Inventory and the extent to which it covers the entity’s needs during a certain period of time, which facilitates the planning process and manages resources more efficiently.

Moreover, the “Shamel” electronic control system provides performance monitoring, which enables government agencies to make informed decisions based on accurate information and a comprehensive analysis of current conditions. This system comes within the ongoing efforts to achieve complete digital transformation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as it is characterized by the use of the latest Artificial intelligence and cybersecurity technologies to ensure information protection and achieve smart management goals.


Automated inventory and inventory management in a comprehensive electronic control system

Automated inventory and inventory management is one of the main components of the “Shamel” electronic control system, as this part of the system constitutes an important axis in improving the efficiency of government warehouse management, as automated inventory helps reduce the time spent on traditional inventory operations, which are often complex and consuming. For time.

The “Shamel” electronic control system allows inventory to be carried out with accuracy and high speed, which reduces human errors and ensures obtaining accurate and comprehensive data about the inventory. Through the use of the “Shamel” electronic control system, government agencies can determine the actual needs of items and carry out inventory operations on a periodic and regular basis. Which contributes to reducing waste and overstocking of items in warehouses, as the “Shamel” electronic control system can identify gaps in inventory and provide recommendations on how to improve the management of available resources.

In addition, the “Shamel” electronic control system provides the ability to prepare comprehensive reports on inventory and the extent to which it covers the entity’s needs during specific time periods, which facilitates the process of strategic planning and making appropriate decisions. The “Shamel” electronic control system also provides the “Shamel” electronic control system. It is also possible to track the movement of items within warehouses and know their status periodically, which helps maintain their quality and avoid damage or loss. The link between purchasing management, financial management, and warehouse management is considered one of the prominent advantages of the “Shamel” electronic control system.

The system can track all processes from requesting items to receiving and storing them, which provides a comprehensive and integrated view of all stages of administrative operations. On the other hand, the “Shamel” electronic control system enhances cooperation and coordination between different government agencies, as agencies can exchange items smoothly and effectively. , which contributes to improving the use of resources and reducing costs. The “Shamel” electronic control system also helps in preparing and implementing emergency plans by providing accurate and updated information about the available stock, which contributes to the effective response to emergency situations and ensuring the continuity of operations.


The role of the Doc Suite system in facilitating the work of the “comprehensive” electronic control system

The Doc Suite system plays a pivotal role in enhancing and facilitating work within the comprehensive electronic control system, as the Doc Suite is considered a modern and innovative tool that aims to achieve a comprehensive digital transformation in document management and administrative communications, which makes it well suited to support and improve the performance of the comprehensive electronic control system, which depends on Automation and accuracy in monitoring and managing government warehouses, as the Doc Suite system provides a wide range of advantages that contribute to achieving this goal, including managing documents intelligently, organizing administrative communications, and automating procedures using the latest artificial intelligence and cybersecurity technologies.


One of the main roles played by the Doc Suite system is the transition from paper-based management to a fully electronic management, which contributes to improving work efficiency and reducing the time taken to complete various tasks. When a comprehensive electronic control system is implemented in cooperation with the Doc Suite system, government institutions can benefit from the capabilities The advanced Doc Suite system manages documents and files safely and effectively, as the system provides advanced tools for storing and retrieving documents easily and quickly, which contributes to improving control and review processes and reducing human errors that may result from traditional document management.


In addition, the Doc Suite system provides advanced capabilities in the field of procedure automation, as the system can carry out routine operations automatically and without human intervention, which contributes to facilitating work within the “Shamel” electronic control system. The system can also analyze data and provide accurate and comprehensive reports about... Performing various operations, which helps in making informed decisions based on accurate and up-to-date information, and this is an essential element in improving work efficiency and increasing productivity within government institutions.


On the other hand, the Doc Suite system enhances cybersecurity by using the latest protection technologies, which ensures the protection of sensitive data and confidential information related to government warehouses. This is considered extremely important in the “Shamel” electronic control system, as the system requires a high level of security to ensure the safety of Information and documents. DocSuite also helps provide a safe and reliable work environment for users, which contributes to achieving the goals of smart and sustainable management in accordance with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030.


It should be noted that the Doc Suite system also provides high flexibility in adapting to the needs of different institutions, as the system can be customized according to the requirements of different government agencies, which allows the system to be easily integrated with the “Shamel” electronic control system, and to make maximum use of the capabilities of the two systems together. When the Doc Suite system is implemented in an integrated manner with a comprehensive electronic control system, it is possible to achieve a significant improvement in the efficiency of administrative processes, increase productivity, and achieve environmental sustainability by reducing the use of paper and other natural resources.


In conclusion, it can be said that the DocSuite system represents a powerful and integrated tool to support and enhance the work of the “Shamel” electronic control system, as it contributes to achieving complete digital transformation, improving the efficiency of administrative processes, ensuring cybersecurity, increasing productivity, and achieving environmental sustainability, which makes it an option. Ideal for government institutions seeking to achieve the goals of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030.

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