9 paper processes that kill your productivity

If you are still using paper documents, this may slow down the process of improving your productivity

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9 paper processes that kill your productivity
9 paper processes that kill your productivity
9 paper processes that kill your productivity
 Let's guess, are you looking for ways to improve your company and increase your productivity? You may have the best professionals making the best product ever, and you can also take care of your customers and attract new ones, however, all of the above is not enhancing your business? Hence, let us take a closer look at the problem of paperwork and document management.
 It may not be an obvious solution, however, if you are still using paper documents, it may slow down the process of improving your productivity. How is this? .. Learn in this article the reasons for leaving printed paper processes in the past to accelerate your productivity now.
 How is your productivity affected by paper?
 We want to show you which areas of working life are affected by the use of hard copies and paper documents. You will see how employees view the problem and how you can improve their work processes and increase your productivity.
 We will start from the point where the paper process eliminates the workflow. If you have a small entrepreneurial company with a few specialists, this may be fine for them. However, once you have hundreds of employees, tracking every change recorded on paper becomes impossible. Which affects your productivity.
 Speed, ease of use, and flexibility of customization are the three cornerstones of a document management system. It is essential for a business that the system perform its business tasks while being easy to maintain and expand and not become an unreasonable burden on the company's budget and your productivity. Complete management systems should have document preparation and formatting functions, including: To scan and recognize them, there must also be control, accounting and storage functions.
  It is difficult to find some detailed information quickly. When one of them adds changes, the other has to go to the archive and search for the required sheet. It may take, in general, 10 minutes, but this means that it is repeated with other tasks. It requires time and effort. It may make your customer choose to deal with another company.
 Moreover, it would be helpful if you continued to work on enforcing rules and security. Some printed documents contain private information that you cannot share with others. When you have digitized and copied, you can click to find it and finish using the document. Otherwise, you have to go and take Papers and return them to protect them from theft or damage, and this affects improving your productivity later.
 Educating a new employee
 You can ask an external specialist to develop an educational strategy for a new specialist. However, if you print the resulting documents, it will be difficult for him to onboard the employee and teach him everything. Learning and training are essential at all levels to improve your productivity, but they are even more important in digital document management software. Learn content management.
It is not good for an employee to speak in front of a client and respond to his colleague about some important papers. It always turns into chaos, which makes it more difficult to collect ideas and filter out irrelevant information, and this affects the quality and efficiency of work.
 When the brain is multitasking, the levels of cortisol, the hormone responsible for stress, constantly rise. It is stressful and makes you feel psychologically exhausted. Even if the work day has just begun, it will be easier for them to search for the required information in the mobile application, and write signatures. Electronic, having a filing cabinet on their computer, this of course improves your productivity dramatically.
 Fatigue and tiredness
 Have you ever seen tables full of folders and stacks of paper? Did you also see the tired person sitting at one of the tables? The amount of documents in the workplace negatively affects the effectiveness of the job, deteriorating your productivity.
 The standard of cleaning in the workplace means that you can easily reach all the things and documents you need and put them in place just as quickly, all without getting up from your desk. You want your employees to spend some time on things other than searching for some pieces of paper, right?
 Cognitive functions
The cost of multitasking is relatively high because it damages the brain. It does so when an employee wants to keep doing a large group of things at one time. For example, it happens when a person is constantly searching for some information in various papers.
 When people think they are doing several things at once, they are actually moving from one task to another very quickly, and every time they do so, certain resources are wasted, which reduces your productivity. So, for example, it would be great if people could Devoting time to developing your business but not following security and document handling rules.
 Once the work is approved in paper form, you must create a proper archive to keep these documents safe. In addition, you must have employees responsible for this, and it requires additional funds. In fact, some areas cannot avoid these procedures, for example, hospitals. , audiology departments, etc. However, simple automation and digitalization are better solutions for an IT startup or online store, and significantly increase your productivity.
 Other important results of automation include accelerating business processes and expanding its services or market presence without increasing the number of employees. In addition, when employees are liberated due to the digitization of the workflow, they avoid routine and deal with more intellectual work.
 There is a way to help your accounting department prevent getting into trouble. It seems that the burden of paperwork will last forever. However, it is not valid as long as you consider automating business software processes and implementing management systems to improve your productivity. Hence, your accountants will be searching for documents and invoices. Electronic forms and purchase requests in the program and communicate them to all concerned parties.
 This process kills your productivity. With printed documents that require approval from different people, things become more difficult when an employee always has to go to the archive. Automation saves time which increases your productivity. Everything happens in minutes, not hours or days. Most of the time you spend In business processes it is time wasted, and automation eliminates all this wasted time instantly.
 Loss of important papers
 When a team handles printed documents, they may pass them on to each other. What happens when an employee has a sick day or is on vacation? It may cause inconvenience to others, and in the best case scenario, administrators will receive many calls from the office to help them. This is not the way things should be if you are looking to improve your productivity.
 Furthermore, what if the copy cannot be recovered? That would be a disaster, so your employees should add signed documents from the only form documents to the electronic forms.
How DocSuite serves your organization
 DocSuite plays a vital role in improving your productivity and facilitating the daily operations of organizations. This digital system is considered a vital tool for improving workflow and achieving greater effectiveness in document and information management. In this context, we will explore how DocSuite can be an innovative solution to enhance your productivity and improve business performance:
 1. Accelerating business processes: The Doc Suite system enhances the speed of operations and facilitates navigation between digital documents.
 2. Save time and effort: The system helps improve your productivity by reducing the time consumed in traditional operations.
 3. Improving learning and training: DocSuite facilitates better learning and training processes for new employees.
 4. Enhance focus and effectiveness: Reduces document clutter and improves focus on key tasks, increasing work efficiency.
 5. Ensuring security and data protection: The Doc Suite system allows maintaining information security and controlling access to it.
 6. Ease of collaboration: It helps facilitate collaboration between teams and effective information exchange.
 7. Eliminate paper clutter: Shifts work from paper documents to electronic forms, reducing paper clutter.
 8. Preventing information loss: It contributes to protecting information through the use of electronic forms that are easily retrievable.
 9. Improving the approval process: Helps facilitate approval processes through electronic signatures.
 10. Enhancing employee productivity: It contributes to improving employee productivity by providing an effective digital work environment.
 The Doc Suite system can contribute to enhancing your productivity. It clearly shows that the shift towards automation and digitization represents a vital step for companies wishing to take full advantage of their potential, as this system enhances cooperation and speed of response and reduces costs and wasted time.
 Thanks to its many advantages, DocSuite becomes a strategic partner that enhances effectiveness and efficiency in today's digital work environment, making it an ideal choice to significantly improve your productivity and enhance business performance.
 We hope you see the reality of the need for a document management system that meets the needs of multiple stakeholders - you, your workers and your clients - and increases your productivity.
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