Digital transformation book...the future framework for information systems and technology

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Digital transformation book...the future framework for information systems and technology
Author: Dr. Hussein Moselhi
Book summary
The Digital Transformation Book  at the beginning of its journey presents an overview of the Fourth Industrial Revolution through the introduction to the book, considering that it is the basic axis of modern innovative digital transformation processes. In this introduction, the three revolutions preceding this revolution were presented, then the characteristics of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the requirements for dealing with it were identified, and it began from During this, we will learn about the digital transformation strategy in light of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, including information technology and innovative digitization.
After this introduction, the chapters of the digital transformation book begin the first leg, which takes us on a journey about information technology and digital transformation, where we learn about what digital transformation is and how we can move to the digital world and achieve competitive advantage, as well as learning about the four forces model of digital business, as we learn This station emphasizes the importance of achieving a balance between internal digital transformation and external digital transformation. This chapter in the digital transformation book focuses on the new role of the customer, which is considered the center of digital transformation, whether internally or externally, and a group of some global experiences in digital transformation are reviewed.
The second station in the digital transformation book takes us to digital business models, through which we learn about the importance of business models in general and digital business models in particular, and we know how digital businesses have developed, as well as the definition and classification of digital businesses and what are the most important activities that digital businesses must include in order for them to be written. Success. In this station, we learn about the main features of digital business models and the strategy for building innovative digital business models. This chapter of the digital transformation book explains the model of exchanging electronic services between the company and the customer.
Important stations in our journey with the book
The third stage of the digital transformation book is a pivotal and essential station on the digital transformation strategy for information systems and technology. There is no doubt that developing a strategy for digital transformation is considered the basic starting point that organizations care about in order to achieve success in the contemporary digital world, so this chapter of the transformation book Digital works on your understanding of the areas of digital transformation strategy in organizations, and takes us to five important areas, which are customer and competition networks that have turned into cooperative platforms such as the Facebook platform, and data strategy, which has become an asset of the organization that it must invest in and benefit from, as well as identifying the innovation strategy in order to Providing everything that is new in order to maintain the market level that the organization has achieved, then this chapter of the digital transformation book concludes with the value strategy, which means what the organization must offer to the customer in order to gain his loyalty and appreciation for it.
The fourth station in the digital transformation book, which is the result of what the Fourth Industrial Revolution presented in terms of the Internet of Things business model and cloud computing, where we learn about the concept of the Internet of Things and the factors affecting it, as well as the components and elements of the Internet of Things. This chapter of the Digital Transformation book focuses on the architecture of the Internet of Things and explains It shows you the most important data transfer protocols in the Internet of Things, and explains to you how cloud computing has been able to solve many traditional information technology problems in light of the innovative digital transformation at the present time.
The fifth station in the book on digital transformation, in which the link is made between digital transformation and big data, which is considered a real wealth for any organization that can benefit from it by analyzing that data and arriving at insights that support the decision maker by anticipating the future. Therefore, we learn about the importance of big data. Its sources, and the factors that must be available for the shift to using big data, big data analytics, big data analysis processes, and the use of big data analytics in forecasting, as well as the role of data scientists in supporting decision making, and the impact of big data on organizations, as this chapter of the book Digital Transformation on Business Intelligence introduces you. Big data analytics and the importance of business intelligence based on big data analytics and huge databases.
The sixth station in the digital transformation book, in which we embark on a new world of applications of artificial intelligence in digital transformation, where artificial intelligence and its advantages are defined. This chapter of the digital transformation book also takes us to learn about the methods of knowledge in artificial intelligence and addresses the most important applications of artificial intelligence in digital transformation. Including expert systems, artificial neural networks, and fuzzy logic.
The seventh station in the digital transformation book is block chain technology (Blockchain), how it appeared, how it works, what its components are, and what its working principles are.
The eighth station in the digital transformation book, in which we learn about the concept of management information systems in light of the current digital environment, where information and knowledge have emerged and data science has emerged as a fundamental support for decision makers in organizations of all types.
The book Digital Transformation: The Future Framework for Information Systems and Technology, by Dr. Hussein Moselhi, provides a comprehensive overview of digital transformation and its impact on the modern world. This book provides a comprehensive understanding of the world’s shift toward digitization and how organizations can benefit from technology, big data, and artificial intelligence to achieve success in this digital age. .
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You can download the book Digital Transformation: The Future Framework for Information Systems and Technology directly from here
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