Research on designing a mobile learning environment using cloud computing applications to develop the skills of developing electronic learning resources among students of the College of Educa

Read the research on designing a mobile learning environment using cloud computing applications to develop the skills of developing electronic learning resources among students of the College of Education

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Research on designing a mobile learning environment using cloud computing applications to develop the skills of developing electronic learning resources among students of the College of Educa
Research on designing a mobile learning environment using cloud computing applications to develop the skills of developing electronic learning resources among students of the College of Educa
Research title: Designing a mobile learning environment using cloud computing applications to develop the skills of developing electronic learning resources among students of the College of Education
Name of the research author: Howaida Habour; Ibrahim Ghazi; Muhammad Wali
Research Summary
Mobile learning environment design research shows that modern technological development has provided many new devices and technologies that enable us to improve teaching and learning processes. For example, we can take advantage of mobile devices and wireless communication technology to enhance the learning experience. Mobile phones, tablets, and smartphones have become common and popular, and research on designing a mobile learning environment confirms that this provides excellent opportunities to benefit from them in the educational field. The popularity of these mobile devices has increased, making these devices a great opportunity for teachers to invest in them for educational purposes. Researchers have launched The approach that combines education and this wireless technology is called mobile learning.
Mobile learning environment design research defines mobile learning as learning using portable devices with wireless connectivity. These devices include mobile phones, smart phones, tablets, or any other portable devices that provide students with the opportunity to enhance the learning experience at any time and in any place, despite Among the advantages of mobile learning and its environments, research on designing a mobile learning environment tells us that there are some obstacles to its use in the educational process, including the high cost of mobile devices with high specifications, the limited storage space of these devices compared to computers, the incompatibility of some applications with some devices, as well as the different capabilities of these devices. And its operational systems from one device to another.
Research on designing a mobile learning environment confirms that integrating cloud computing applications into mobile learning environments is one of the recent trends in the field of education, as this integration helps to overcome the obstacles to using mobile learning and its environments that were previously mentioned. Because it enables students to use programs, data entry and processing, online cloud storage, and disseminate information regardless of the type of device and its capabilities. It also helps provide various multimedia services such as interactive lectures, video clips, animations, and images and also allows social interaction.
Of course, research on designing a mobile learning environment confirms that digital transformation and reliance on modern technology in the field of university education has become necessary to prepare students for their professional future. Interaction with mobile learning and cloud computing applications provides students with the opportunity to develop research skills and independence in study and learning. In addition, it can Students take advantage of cloud computing technology to access various educational resources and share knowledge with classmates easily. This enhances their engagement with the educational content and encourages them to expand their knowledge and enhance their skills.
Research on designing a mobile learning environment confirms that, given the importance of this combination of mobile learning and cloud computing, developing skills in developing electronic learning resources becomes essential for students at the university level. These skills enable them to create and manage online educational content, which is a vital skill in the modern world of education.
Mobile learning environment design research defines that electronic learning resources are those resources designed for use and reuse, and that permeate learning activities. Education at the present time requires that the role of the teacher shift from traditional educational practices, to become a designer of education and its sources. E-learning resources include all forms of providing electronic content such as e-books, software, video clips, web pages, and e-learning management systems such as Blackboard, blogs, and websites. Social networking such as wikis, Facebook, magazines, and databases.
Research on designing a mobile learning environment states that electronic learning resources are suitable for students compared to traditional learning sources, as information can be presented in many ways, such as audio, video, motion, and other forms of presenting information, and thus help students learn better and faster, and with the advancement of technology. E-learning resources are also advancing, and building and developing e-learning resources helps achieve lifelong learning.
With the ability to connect to the Internet, the design, development, and use of electronic learning resources can be increased. Since electronic learning resources are supported by various technologies such as mobile devices, smart phones, tablets, digital cameras, social media platforms, software applications and the Internet, therefore, the ability of students of the College of Education to develop the skills of developing electronic learning resources helps to increase their educational and technological efficiency, develop the educational process, and master teaching. Scientific material, supporting educational activities, and saving time and effort.
The research on designing a mobile learning environment states that Google educational applications are one of the tools that are free, easy to use, and scalable, and allow the development of many electronic learning resources that contribute to displaying, managing, and evaluating educational content with ease. Examples of these applications include Google websites. Site, Google Classroom, Google Forms, and Google Presentations.
The importance of the Doc Suite system in mobile learning
The DocSuite system is a powerful tool in building a distinct mobile learning environment and developing students’ e-learning skills for many reasons:
Easy access and sharing
DocSuite allows students to easily access educational materials and documents online, making learning fun and convenient. Students can easily share files and content with their classmates and teachers.
Strengthening cooperation
DocSuite can promote collaboration among students by sharing and commenting on documents together. This promotes peer interaction and discussion and contributes to the development of critical thinking and collaboration skills.
Students can use DocSuite to create their personal notes, summaries, and documents. This enhances self-learning and personal organization skills.
Saving time and effort
DocSuite reduces the need for students to rely on papers and paper documents, and teachers can save time and effort by easily sharing learning materials and submitting assessments online.
Diversity and pluralism
DocSuite can be used in various learning areas, from university education to primary and secondary education. This versatility enhances the system's flexibility and ability to meet the needs of a diverse group of students.
Continuity and access across mobile devices
DocSuite can be accessed across most mobile devices, allowing students to learn anytime, anywhere, promoting continuity of learning.
In general, the Doc Suite system plays a major role in improving the e-learning experience and enhancing the development of students’ e-learning skills by providing an effective means of interacting with educational content, collaborating with peers and teachers, and easy access to educational materials, and achieves the goals of research on designing a mobile learning environment using computing applications. Cloud to develop the skills of developing electronic learning resources among students of the College of Education.
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