"Zamzam Association for Voluntary Health Services" joins Docsuite clients

A software idea that initiates steps to support digitization in the service sector, in line with the country's digital transformation plan

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"Zamzam Association for Voluntary Health Services" joins Docsuite clients
"Zamzam Association for Voluntary Health Services" joins Docsuite clients
Software idea newsletter
A new electronic archiving system for managing charities in the Kingdom

The CEO of the Idea Program Foundation announced that the Zamzam Association for Voluntary Health Services has joined the organization's clients with the aim of supporting the digital transformation process in service institutions, and applying the latest digital transformation methods, especially in the association's electronic medical archiving system.
The "Zamzam Association for Voluntary Health Services" relied on the "Program Idea Foundation" to help it implement the standards of the digital system in accordance with the latest global updates, and implement the plan and strategy of the association's management; Headed by Dr. Abdullah Al-Matrafi; To provide the best health care services, and for beneficiaries to obtain them easily and conveniently, and to employ digitization techniques in managing patient requests, and monitoring the workflow in the association.
During the meeting of the "Zamzam Association for Voluntary Health Services" and the "Programmatic Idea Foundation"; The Executive Director of the Foundation confirmed that the primary goal of implementing the electronic medical archiving system in the Society is to smoothly organize the records of patients, donors, and medical staff. It allows the association to view all information within the framework of a clear and simple mechanism, and saves effort and time.
He stated that the Idea Program Foundation will provide a large number of services to the Zamzam Association for Voluntary Health Services. To implement the association's strategy, among the services: for electronic archiving. Patient data collection. Receiving donation requests and treatment requests. Manage records of medical staff, patients and volunteers. Monitoring the association's workflow. Charitable pharmacy management. Managing internal and external transactions in the association. And other services needed by the Zamzam Association for Voluntary Health Services, which were approved by the club's board of directors headed by Abdullah Al-Matrafi.

Dr. Abdullah Al-Matrafi, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Zamzam Association for Voluntary Health Services: Electronic archiving is a pivotal shift in the institution's management
In our conversation with the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Zamzam Association for Voluntary Health Services, we asked several questions; To show us the extent to which the association benefits from dealing with the Fekra Programa Foundation, and to show you part of our dialogue

How was the Zamzam Association for Voluntary Health Services before implementing the electronic archiving system?
Electronic archiving has made a big difference in the health sector now, as it was difficult in the past due to the large number of patient and volunteer files, which was disrupting the work of the association’s management, especially with the increase in the volume of files and documents, and the increase in searching for those files and finding great difficulty in accessing the required files.
This is what made us turn to electronic archiving, to arrange and organize files according to smooth and simple foundations, especially since the Fekra Program Foundation seeks to make the most of advanced digital transformation means, so we have found that it is the most appropriate to lead the transformation process in the association.
Why did you decide to adopt the electronic archiving system?
The health sector faces many challenges, including the inability to easily organize and process the data of patients, medical staff, and donors, so this was sufficient for us to decide to start digital transformation and rely on electronic archiving, especially as this contributes to improving the levels of service we provide, and achieves the association’s strategy, which is a step aimed at protecting Patient information.
And after our study of the benefits that will accrue to us after relying on digitization, we found that digital transformation options provide tremendous support for health care, and also participate in improving the experiences of caregivers and patients, and we take into account that the future of health care will focus on the models of institutions that were at the forefront of relying on Digitization, and this is what the Idea Program Foundation will work on through its innovative systems.
How did the Zamzam Association benefit after the digital transformation?
We started implementing digital transformation systems according to a well-thought-out plan, developed by an excellent team from the Fekra Program Foundation, in cooperation with the association. To ensure that our goals are fully achieved, and to follow up on work progress, especially during the transformation phase.
And after a period of starting the application of digital transformation in the association, we noticed an increase in the ability to work together, and we had more tools that helped work teams pay more attention to patients, and reduce the time for routine administrative tasks.
What do you think about the application of the electronic archiving system in the health field?
Electronic archiving is one of the most important stages of transformation, as it provides access to files through an electronic browser instead of paper dealing, and this matter will achieve a huge number of goals for us, especially managing the health file effectively and efficiently, and reducing dependence on paper.
Also, electronic archiving has the ability to provide all files to doctors and the medical team at any time, and medical institutions that rely on electronic archiving will notice a reduction in file storage costs and a huge space saving, in addition to the possibility of entering additional information into medical files by doctors at any time, as well Ease of exchanging information with doctors and the rest of the medical staff.
After quite a while of experimenting with the electronic archiving system in the association, I can confirm that what I said is part of the list of advantages offered by the system. To improve the quality of the treatment experience for patients and doctors.
How do you view digital transformation and cybersecurity?
The world is now witnessing huge technological transformations, and this matter has created new horizons, during which cyber security has become one of the most important pillars of the progress of any system in the world, and this matter requires raising awareness regarding cyber transformation and threats, especially in the health field, as there is nothing more private than information related to our health.
Some criminals who rely on the Internet for their malicious activities find this information of great value, especially after the Corona pandemic, as the health sector has become one of the targets of cyberattacks, so it was necessary to direct our attention towards digital transformation and cybersecurity. To ensure that the information of our patients, volunteers and medical entity is preserved.
Do you want to give advice to the rest of the associations? 
I would like to stress that there is no magic solution to the increasing cyber problems that we face every day, so we must understand and analyze the challenges facing health systems; To develop new solutions that we rely on in our institutions.
With the progress we are experiencing now, most institutions are committed to protecting the privacy of their data in any way possible, but some institutions postpone the idea of relying on cybersecurity. Many health institutions still follow primary methods of data protection, which leads to weak protection of patient data.

The CEO of the Foundation expressed his happiness at the joining of the "Zamzam Association for Voluntary Health Services" to the Fekra Programa Foundation, stressing that the Foundation's team will work hard to provide the best services to the Association in order to achieve the goals it aims at, stressing that the health sector suffers from unique weaknesses related to transformation. Digital and electronic archiving, and that the solution to these problems and facing these weaknesses lies in relying on a smart, innovative, and trustworthy technological system.
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