The electronic archiving revolution at Al Sharq Engineering Consulting Company

This revolution reflects the company's commitment to digital transformation and innovation in all aspects of its business

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The electronic archiving revolution at Al Sharq Engineering Consulting Company
The electronic archiving revolution at Al Sharq Engineering Consulting Company
Al Sharq Engineering Consulting Company revolutionizes information management through electronic archiving
In an innovative step aimed at improving information management and achieving effective legal compliance, Al Sharq Engineering Consulting Company announced a strategic cooperation with the Doc Suite system for electronic archiving. This cooperation is considered a new step towards achieving efficiency and transparency in data and information management within the company.
Doc Suite is an advanced electronic archiving system that provides an effective way to store and manage sensitive documents and information in a secure and organized manner. This system allows Al Sharq easy and quick access to data, which enhances efficiency and reduces the time searching for crucial information.
Commenting on this cooperation, the CEO of Al Sharq Engineering Consulting Company said: “We consider digital transformation and the adoption of modern technology to be essential for growth and prosperity in the evolving engineering consulting market. DocSuite gives us the ability to achieve this more effectively. It is a simple and reliable process for managing documents and information in a convenient way.” “Safe, and in doing so we create a strong foundation for compliance and success.”
This cooperation comes as part of the company's strategy to develop its business and enhance its ability to provide excellent engineering consulting services in its various fields. Experts believe that this step will contribute significantly to enhancing the company's competitiveness and achieving greater successes in the future.
Engineer Turki Al-Abdul Karim, CEO of Al-Sharq Engineering Consulting Company, praised the comprehensive and detailed answers to our inquiries related to electronic archiving and its impact on the company’s strategy.
What are the motives that prompted the company to adopt the electronic archiving system?
Al Sharq Engineering Consulting Company courageously decided to adopt an electronic archiving system due to the great challenges it faced in the field of information and document management. Before adopting the system, we were seeing an ever-increasing amount of data and information that we had to manage and store, which complicated daily operations. In addition, we were experiencing difficulty in quickly accessing vital information and exchanging it effectively between different departments within the company. For this reason, we saw adopting an electronic archiving system as the ideal solution that would help us improve information management, increase efficiency in operations, and facilitate the exchange of crucial information between various departments and individuals in the company.
How did Al Sharq Engineering Investments cooperate with the Doc Suite system?
Engineer Turki Al-Abdul Karim, CEO of Al-Sharq Engineering Consulting Company, answered: Al-Sharq Engineering Investments Company cooperated effectively with the Doc Suite system by using the engineering and technical management feature integrated into the system. This feature has proven to be of great importance in facilitating and improving the company's operations related to engineering and technical information.
This cooperation began with analyzing the company's needs and understanding its requirements in the field of engineering and technical management. The system has been implemented to seamlessly integrate electronic information management with engineering and technical information. The company's engineers and technicians have been able to access engineering data and documents easily and effectively, which has accelerated browsing, searching, and accessing vital information.
Thanks to this combined feature, we have succeeded in improving the efficiency of the company's engineering and technical operations and significantly improving information exchange between engineers and technicians. This cooperation with Doc Suite contributed greatly to achieving our goals and increasing our competitiveness in the field of engineering consulting
Has the company implemented an integrated strategy to respond to cybersecurity needs?
The security and protection system implemented in cooperation with the Doc Suite system forms a vital part of our cybersecurity strategy. Employing advanced security technologies in this system has greatly contributed to improving the security of our data and information. In addition, DocSuite has provided customized training and mentoring services to our team to ensure that we understand how to use these technologies effectively and deal with any potential challenges. The system is configured to include features such as:
Specific access: Who can access certain information and who is denied access is defined based on assigned powers and permissions.
Encryption: Important and sensitive data is encrypted to ensure the confidentiality of the information and not being hacked.
Firewalls: Firewalls are in place to prevent unauthorized outside access to our internal network.
Threat Detection: We use advanced tools and technologies to monitor and detect any potential cyber threats and respond to them before they cause any harm.
Regular updates: We make sure to update all programs and systems regularly to ensure that we benefit from the latest security improvements and patches.
Using the security and protection system in the Doc Suite system, we work hard to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of our information and that of our customers, and we ensure that we are always fully prepared to face any cyber challenges that may arise.
Through this cooperation, we have achieved tangible development in our ability to successfully address cyber threats and maintain an excellent security record. The system allows us to continuously monitor the level of protection and respond to threats quickly, giving us confidence in the future of our business and in keeping our customers’ information safe.
In general, implementing a security and protection system with the Doc Suite system was a strategic decision that succeeded in significantly enhancing the company's cybersecurity, and it enhances the confidence of our customers in preserving their privacy and information when dealing with us.
What is the key advice you would give to other engineering companies?
We at Al Sharq Engineering Consulting Company are proud to provide the highest level of engineering and consulting services to our clients. We believe that engineering is a sustainable process that builds bridges between ideas and reality, and contributes to transforming visions into tangible reality. We always strive to provide
We understand that providing quality and reliability in our services depends on a professional and specialized work team, so we constantly work to develop the skills of our employees and provide an environment that encourages creativity and innovative thinking.
Engineering challenges are growing by the day, and we are committed to staying aware of the latest technological developments and adopting best practices to meet our customers' needs. We are committed to achieving shared success with our clients and delivering sustainable and innovative engineering projects that meet their aspirations.
We thank our valued customers for their continued trust in us, and we promise to continue to provide the highest level of service and dedication to achieving their engineering goals. Al Sharq Engineering Consulting Company is committed to building a bright and sustainable future through engineering and consulting
In conclusion, we at Al Sharq Engineering Consulting Company always strive to achieve distinction and excellence in the field of engineering. We are committed to providing engineering solutions that meet the highest standards of quality and professionalism, and we always look forward to achieving mutual success with our customers and partners. If you need reliable and innovative engineering consulting, we are here to help. We look forward to working with you and achieving successful and sustainable projects in the future
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