Knowledge management book within the framework of business intelligence systems

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Knowledge management book within the framework of business intelligence systems
Knowledge management book within the framework of business intelligence systems
Knowledge management book within the framework of business intelligence systems
 Written by: Abdul Aziz Abdullah Mahmoud
 Book summary
 The increasing interest in knowledge management by business organizations is due to several development trends, including globalization with increasing intensity of competition, visual in all its forms, digitization that enabled the use of information and communications technology and the shift towards a knowledge-based economy along with changing organizational structures as well as new capabilities and preferences of knowledge workers. These development trends helped to emerge a new world referred to as the third wave, the age of knowledge, and the knowledge economy.
  Regardless of the terminology and labels, this new world is represented by the shift taking place in the business environment towards adopting knowledge as a strategic resource. Organizations have begun to move towards knowledge-based structures, and the success of their businesses increasingly depends on the extent to which knowledge workers succeed in developing and applying knowledge productively and effectively.
 The ability to identify and utilize core knowledge in these organizations plays a crucial role in organizational survival and growth. In particular, knowledge management is one of the essential components for achieving organizational goals through product improvement, strategic decision-making, renewal and organizational adaptation.
 Therefore, the central task of those responsible for knowledge management lies in identifying ways to better cultivate, nurture and exploit knowledge at different levels and in different contexts. Taking the light of the above, it is not possible to imagine any application of knowledge management based on information and communication technology without a clear understanding of data, information and knowledge. Therefore, managers cannot make appropriate decisions in the basic departments of organizations without these concepts. Data, information and knowledge are the heart of these departments. However, the difficulties in managing data, information and knowledge are increasing today, which are processed and organized in several stages and places inside and outside organizations.
 These challenges and obstacles have pushed organizations to search for solutions that help them obtain appropriate information and knowledge at the right time. Therefore, Al-Arabi came up with this book in its six chapters to provide the reader with a solution to the existing controversy about the relationship between knowledge management and business intelligence, and according to the survey conducted by the European company (OTR-ICT) for information and communication technology services on the relationship between knowledge management and business intelligence, this The company stated that more than (60%) of practitioners do not understand the precise relationship between the fields of knowledge management and business intelligence, especially since both concepts are similar in terms of purpose of use.
 This result supports the research and studies presented by academics in finding a relationship between knowledge management and business solutions to achieve the goals of organizations and their strategies in the business environment. In light of this, the intellectual dilemma lies in developing an intellectual framework that brings together the two fields in terms of considering them as complementary and mutual components in the effective management of intellectual capital within Business organizations.
Book chapters
 The first chapter focused on the basics of knowledge management as the basic basis for understanding any knowledge management application based on information and communications technology. The second chapter highlighted knowledge management processes as the basis for later classification of knowledge management systems, while the third chapter provided an extensive reading into the heritage of intelligence systems. It acts as the basis for the concept of dashboards. As for the fourth chapter, the architectural philosophy of business intelligence systems was addressed, focusing on data integration techniques as the heart of the architecture of these systems. The fifth chapter presented a simple treatment of the wrong idea about business intelligence architectures that assume that all final beneficiaries can use the same tool, and the types of intelligence systems are discussed. Business and the most important solutions it provides to these beneficiaries.
 Chapter Six is ​​devoted to reading the most important connections that emerge between the concept of business intelligence and other contemporary concepts such as knowledge management and the emergence of new, more comprehensive and deeper concepts such as strategic intelligence.
 The role of the Doc Suite system
 The Doc Suite system is used to manage knowledge and documents within the framework of business intelligence systems, and plays an important role in organizing and managing knowledge across the organization. It can provide the following benefits in this context:
 1. Document storage and management: It allows organization documents to be stored in an organized and secure manner, making them easy to access and share among employees.
 2. Searching and retrieving information: The Doc Suite system allows searching for documents and information effectively, saving employees time and effort.
 3. Collaboration and sharing: It allows for joint collaboration on documents and information between different departments and individuals, which enhances knowledge exchange.
 4. Document issuance and management: The Doc Suite system allows documents to be issued and managed effectively, including tracking changes and versions.
 5. Data analysis: Document and data information in the Doc Suite system can be used in data analysis processes and making better decisions in the field of business intelligence.
 In this way, DocSuite plays a vital role in improving knowledge and data management in the context of business intelligence systems.
 You can download this book directly from here
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