The book The Digital Revolution: A Cultural Revolution?

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The book The Digital Revolution: A Cultural Revolution?
The book The Digital Revolution: A Cultural Revolution?
The book The Digital Revolution: A Cultural Revolution?
Written by: Remy Revell
Translated by: Saeed Belmabkhout
Review: Al-Zawawi Bghoura
Book summary
The book The Digital Revolution: A Cultural Revolution? explains that the rapid spread of digital technologies during the last two decades has raised the possibility of talking about the digital age, its prospects, and its impact in all areas of life. This “digital revolution,” which has brought about change in the world, has effects that are not limited to industries and methods of production, but rather It also extends to the cognitive perspective.
As for the extent of the impact of this industrial boom, Remy Rieffel, as a specialist in studying the media, the digital field, journalism and the Internet, tried in his book “The Digital Revolution is a Cultural Revolution?” Provoking thinking about the emergence of the digital age in the context of a dual pattern related to technology and cultural studies. The basic idea of this selection is that digital technology is considered a field through which cultural products, regardless of their differences, coexist with technological poles.
In this book, Revell raises many questions, such as the advantages of the spread of information, the impact of modern technologies on our personal and collective behavior, and the evaluation of how we act, think, and know. He aims to clarify what digital is for us (as individuals) and for others (as a society), and does it enhance, as he emphasizes, It is always one of the new forms of sociability through connection) and “expression” of individuals (comment, dialogue, or expression of opinion?), then he wonders what the digital changes when accessing knowledge, information, data, literature, films, etc.), does it encourage a new form of creativity and exchanges? New content and self-produced music, films and video games? Does it constitute a real source of cultural renewal? It addresses what digital changes with access to information (meaning news), and what relates to opinions and representations in the political sphere, and does it facilitate the discussion of ideas and more dialogue, expand the public sphere, and participatory democracy?
He devotes space to talking about personal files in the book The Digital Revolution... A Cultural Revolution?, especially among young people (sociability of events). It discusses the issue of socio-cultural inequality in the field of using information and communication technology and the differences in terms of using the Internet to ensure the existence of a digital rift. The author explains that the goal here is It is to provide a comprehensive analysis of all sectors concerned with the flourishing of digitalization in the field of culture, focusing on some key aspects, identifying fault lines, and anticipating what may occur, new forms of sociability, and new relationships in terms of creativity, knowledge, media, and citizenship. In its analysis of these digital stakes, it is based on a sociological approach to the problems and takes Considering the use of some philosophical, psychological, and even economic questions, because the phenomenon, by definition, is multi-contextual and multi-dimensional, says Revell.
The book The Digital Revolution: A Cultural Revolution? It consists of three parts. In the first part, it attempts to define new technologies and their uses. After defining digitization and the Internet, it raises the topic of relations between technology and society, how to use new technologies, the digital market, and the culture of vision. In the second part, it addresses the prosperity of blogs, social networks, the culture of sharing, and new ways of reading online. The screen and the future of the book. It raises the issue of attention, memory, and the brain's ability to adapt, and in the third part, the book discusses the relationship between the media and the politician, the new media landscape, digital journalism, the Internet as a media source, and political communication via the Internet.
In conclusion, the author of the book The Digital Revolution suggests...a cultural revolution? A social analysis would avoid focusing only on technological innovations, but it should also note the impact of digital technologies on the cultural world, and show that the ease of access to cultural content of all kinds, the spread of news sites, the expansion of following new encyclopedias via the web, and the multiplicity of platforms for circulating content also led to Great interaction between experts and ordinary individuals and between professionals and amateurs and the shift in cultural restructuring, and that the prosperity of digital technologies has expanded the scope of individuals’ action, and calls for not ignoring the limits and potential dangers that he touched on a number of.
The writer explained the ease with which commercial actions are currently scrutinized and analyzed, and that non-commercial ones confirm that digital technologies are not reduced to tools of liberation, but also include the seed of renewed forms of directing and targeting individuals, and that this widespread monitoring of actions and movements on the Internet extends beyond The economic and financial logic touches on political actions, thus leading to sophisticated espionage practices.
Revell believes that digital technologies, especially in the cultural field, are only a reflection of the use that one makes and cannot be analyzed in isolation from the actors who own them, and that they have not put an end to inequality with regard to use, have not eliminated misunderstandings between people, and have not at all reduced conflicts, but they have widened them. In a concrete space-time frame, it provided unlimited access to knowledge, and increased the ability to exchange and participate. Because it is trying in some way to change one's perception of the world. The writer concludes this achievement by saying: “Apart from all restrictions, the world of digital technology represents a means of liberation and domination at the same time, and in any case, it remains at the present time a promise and a challenge.”
What is the role of the Doc Suite system?
DocSuite is a well-known digital document management and archiving system, which plays an important role in the digital revolution as a cultural revolution through:
Transitioning from paper to computer: The Doc Suite system contributes to converting paper documents into digital formats, which enhances digital culture and reduces dependence on paper documents.
Quick access: The Doc Suite system allows easy and quick access to stored information, which contributes to enhancing the culture of searching and immediate retrieval of information.
Sharing and Collaboration: Users can easily share and collaborate on digital documents online, which contributes to fostering a culture of collaboration and teamwork.
Security and data preservation: The Doc Suite system provides strong security features for digital documents, which preserves data and contributes to transferring a culture of data preservation.
Overall, DocSuite promotes the digital revolution as a cultural revolution by improving information management and enhancing working with digital documents.
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