Digital information society book

Read the Digital Information Society book and learn more about digital transformation

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Digital information society book
Digital information society book
Digital information society book
Written by: Tariq Mahmoud Abbas
Book summary
The book Digital Information Society confirms that in this era, humans are exposed to a huge amount of information that is often difficult for them to deal with. Information has besieged humans and is still besieging them through several means, starting with the printer, passing through television and radio, and ending with computers and the Internet. The book Society adds Digital information: The reliance on information and communications systems has steadily increased in the last two decades of the last century until these systems have become a major factor in the management of all different sectors, such as the banking, commercial, and security sectors, as well as vital and sensitive projects such as electricity generation, energy transfer, and means of transportation, whether air or sea. Therefore, modern technological means have opened broader and more dangerous fields, and in the middle of this century, another transformation appeared, which is the beginning of the transformation of some societies into what is known as information societies. The book The Digital Information Society indicates that this stage can be considered an extension of the industrial stage, with the difference that the economy in information societies It relies increasingly on information industries and not on traditional heavy industries.
The book, The Digital Information Society, explains that the development in informatics in its various branches, and the widespread spread of integrated information systems that include a wide range of equipment, software, and means of networking, have led to thinking about ways to support these means to achieve the goal that you seek to achieve through the use of these means.
The book Digital Information Society tells us that, at a later stage, the need emerged to build information systems, services, and recommendations aimed at preparing the social and economic environment to be compatible with digital information processing systems and to make the task of moving to automated processing easier and with higher returns.
In this book, the digital information society, the writer dealt with one of the most important topics that occupies a great place in our minds. Many of us hear about the information society and the digital divide in radio, television, conferences, and seminars that are held, whether on a local or international scale. He quickly tried to address this topic in something simple, whether For the general or specialized audience, the first chapter talks about information technology and communication channels, how to store and retrieve information, bibliographic bases, and information banks that help in technology and storing data electronically. The second chapter delves into the impact of technology on information services, and this topic is of interest to a large segment of librarians and information specialists in order to learn about On the technical procedures followed and the importance of information, and the third chapter departs from the topic of information to address a topic that has a great deal to do with the quality of old and modern terms and how to choose them.
The fourth chapter of the book The Digital Information Society discussed the information revolution, its complications, various information resources, and the term information utopia, which is a new term in the world of information and communications. The fifth chapter was at the core of the topic, which is the Internet and digital technology and its relationship to information and its complete services. The sixth chapter is the second part in The topic is the digital divide and its impact on the information society.
What is the digital information society
The digital information society is a concept that refers to the major transformation that has occurred in societies and economies as a result of the adoption of information and communications technology and digital information. Here is some information about the digital information society:
Information and Communications Technology (TIC): The digital information society relies heavily on the advancement of information and communications technology, allowing rapid access to information and communication over the Internet.
Digital Transformation: This society includes the shift from traditional processes and activities to digital processes and activities, such as online education, e-commerce, and e-government.
Universal access: The digital information society aims to provide universal access to information and digital services for all, which contributes to reducing the digital divide.
Digital Economy: This community contributes to the growth of the digital economy by promoting innovation and creating new job opportunities in the field of technology and the Internet.
Security and Privacy: Digital information technology raises security and privacy issues, requiring the protection of user data and sensitive information.
Teaching and learning: The digital information society provides multiple opportunities for online learning, which contributes to skills development and continuing education.
Sustainability: Digital technology can be used to achieve environmental sustainability goals by improving resource efficiency.
The digital information society is undergoing rapid and continuous change, significantly affecting how people and organizations interact with information and technology.
The role of the Doc Suite system
DocSuite is an integrated system for managing digital documents and information, which plays an important role in the development of the digital information society through:
1. Organization: DocSuite can organize documents and information structurally and systematically, facilitating searching and accessing information quickly and effectively.
2. Preserving the environment: By switching to digital documents and information, paper consumption and the environmental impact of printing can be reduced.
3. Collaboration: Team members can easily share and collaborate on documents and data via a single platform.
4. Security: The Doc Suite system provides high levels of information security through access control and encryption.
5. Sustainability: It reduces society’s dependence on paper and paper printing, which contributes to achieving environmental sustainability goals.
In these ways, DocSuite contributes to improving information and technology management in the digital information society and contributes to achieving multiple economic and social benefits.
You can download this book directly from here
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